Now That We Know Who He Is, What Have We Learned About Ourselves?
It is the probability like partisan conduct which has led citizens to withdraw their credence from political activism or follow a limited pattern of social engagement.
In the last few days, Americans have witnessed two sides of a rare coin.
People tend to pass on, often unknowingly, the lies their fathers and their mothers lived by, It seems to me that this statement comes much closer to the truth than any of the demonizing theories.
Even when individuals choose their symbols and examples with great care, they still may be faced with serious moral contradictions, triggered by the ideological environment in which they were misled and manipulated by the Republican’s stage-managed views; hostile to truth and unmindful of their duty to the American people.
The Minority Party in the House of Representatives has constantly cried foul. These legislatures may have sometimes appeared perplexed, but to be blunt, to state the Majority Party is out to get the president is senseless.
It is foolish and misleading to young Americans when a House leader like Devan Nunes argues that the man known as “Leader of the Free World” can somehow be fashioned into a person of integrity simply because he chooses to invoke such terms as “deep state” and “conspiracy” and then defend Donald Trump with a totally astonishing lack of honesty. He and his cronies, like Jim Jordan, are going to be unable to provide themselves self-protection against people who know very well exactly where their self-interest lies and who view their actions, consequently, as a farce and a threat to democracy.
Not one party of politicians is, in truth, either vindictive or forgiving. All politicians are not innocent of either malice or intolerance or guilty of stupidity or foolishness. Some are highly intelligent; several are devoted to their constituents and very much on the side of the people.
What I am suggesting here is the most rational of considerations. Those who have sat and pled his case on public broadcasting from what is supposed to be the “Halls of Justice” have stood by a tyrant who deems himself the guardian of all that is visible to
him and if desire, auctioned it off to the highest bidder. More for him, less for them, which is what his unequal companions have become accustomed to.
In the beginning, he promised them the world until they realized that the only world that mattered was his own. Some lessons are hard to learn, despite how times the lesson is taught. Other lessons are even harder and humiliating to swallow.
Numerous can confirm this fact simply by judging their circumstances that there is no believing a liar, even when he speaks the truth, however rare an honest word is spoken. Ask Michael Flynn, Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, George Papadopoulos, whose collective stupidity has caused severe damage to the reputation of a nation, however, it is the president who has wreaked havoc on the annals of American history.
Did they really suppose that Donald Trump would facilitate himself in the exchange, and pity them? He has shown himself to be a morbidly selfish man, a monster-like character, capable of enduring the suffering of children, adept at using race as a bargaining chip, and exploiting of women psychologically, well as sexually. He acts with chauvinist impropriety when he physically as if this the role God intended them to fill on earth.
Donald Trump’s phony foundations, corrupt corporations, fraudulent non-profits, authorized demented dictators and senior Nazi immigration advisors, are the cause of things wrong in America today. And yet his cronies remain in defense mold!
Is this just a strange mistake in history? Is it just an unusual part of an American saga or a political anomaly? Even if the indifference of career politicians, gerrymandering to favor one party and I cannot be immediately addressed, why are we still so far from a fair, hate-free, and productive society that truly works towards these values?
It has become customary for Lindsey Graham to present Trump with unwarranted praise and credit him for nothing, after some time ago describing him as a, “a race-baiting, xenophobic bigot,” “the world’s biggest jackass,” “a salesman of fear,” and “a president who is unfit for office.” In truth, the president is unfit for office, just like Graham is unfit for the senate.
The person Graham now describes as, “A potential recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize” merits no such reward that denotes excellence. Conversely, Donald Trump should be charged in the Haque for crimes against the people. He brings disgrace to the concept of justice and equality under the law. Under the Trump administration, he has enforced criminal procedures where people accused of crimes are often jailed because judges require money bail as a condition of release, forcing people not convicted of any crime to stay behind bars for long periods of time awaiting trial, and resulting in coerced guilty pleas. Additionally, Trump contracted state privatize misdemeanor probation services, which penalizes poor people who commit minor violations and leads to abuses.
More than 2,500 families were forcibly separated at the US border as the Trump administration targeted parents traveling with children for criminal prosecution. As part of this policy, children with disabilities were separated from their families, including in one case, a 10-year-old girl with Down Syndrome from her mother.
Though a federal court and tremendous public protest to stop mass separations in late June 2019, reunifications of hundreds of families dragged on months.
We seem quiet while others are being demonizing, by banning them the respect honor and dignity and they deserve. For sure, we share a sense of fatigue, but we share a sense of duty. On this generation of Americans falls the full burden of proving to the world that we mean it when we say all men and women are created with the right to evenhandedness, genuine freedom and traditional liberties that are equivalent before the law. “We the people” encompasses all the people. Our voices must denounce those who deny the human rights of all people.
Over the last three years, much of what the freedom fighters, non-profits that support human rights, have been threatened — democracy, civility, the truth have been intimidated. This US administration is establishing new norms of behavior. Anger and cruelty mutilate public discourse and lying are commonplace. Truth is being chased away. But we must speak up continue to put it center stage.
Next year America faces an epic choice — and the result could define the country for a generation. It is at a tipping point, delicately balanced between truth and lies, hope and hate, civility, and cruelty. Many vital aspects of American public life are in play — the Supreme Court, abortion rights, climate policy, wealth inequality,
In the year 2020, there will be a possibility to reincorporate democracy and ethical governance into the development of political dialogue in a more central way, as we look forward to enabling social progress. Promoting free and dependable governance is both morally and substantively crucial to peace and justice. Unfortunately, such noble goals have been suppressed and will never be accomplished under the presidency of Donald J. Trump. His inauguration brought democracy to a halt.
Trump has established a legacy of selfishness and a tradition of dishonesty.
Selfish people are always very decided about what they wish, and America was his dream. Only Trump never intended to waste his energies in considering the good of the country. Earth was big enough to provide enough to gratify Donald Trump’s needs, but not his every greed. The power of the presidency went far beyond his expectations. One term was not enough. And just like other selfish people, he spends half his day pretending to be a victim.
What about us? For the last three wretched years, the people of the nation have become unable to control their urge to cringe the appearance of calculated unfairness.
If it were not for the long and often dangerous struggle undertaken by these peace activists, constant agitators, and dissidents for democracy, Americans would have never become a multicultural and inclusive society other countries have tried to replicate.
Trump and his lead advisor on white nationalism and immigrant injustice, immediately put the force of Oval office behind programs to eliminate the presence of people of color in America. The administration tried to erect a barrier built on bigotry, to differentiate the physical difference between the white and black races which, I suppose, will forever forbid the multiple from races living together.
This lead advisor, Stephen Miller, proposes an agenda based on self-interest and cruelty, restriction, and racism. Since the beginning of the Trump administration, Miller began scheme was based on the belief in the superiority of the white race over all others. It allowed for prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against other people because they are of a different race or ethnicity. It led to people being denied their freedom and being caged like animals and family separations. As a result, households in America are living in fear. This fear has had the effect of a collective paralysis on a significant part of the nation and has made it easier for government officials and agencies to systematically dismantle the civil rights of minorities. There are three specific factors that together have fomented this fear: government inaction, irresponsible policies, and the hate speech of some national leaders.
But pray God we may have the courage, the wisdom, and the vision to raise a definite standard that will appeal to the best that is in man, and then strive decidedly to work toward the goal that establishes the human rights of each individual.
May our voices speak for such lofty goals. The voice of the people represents the strongest arsenal of informative independence that may be of use to guide the nation in this critical era. We can hope that our voice will be the sound heard by our children that guides them from the dark shadows of old demonologies and as they work to plant the seeds of a theoretical irreverence in their young hearts and minds.
Twitter: @khalilahsabra