The rhythmic units above are far more lyrical than what is impairing the heart and creating emotional difficulties that cannot be measured in this nation’s cities. When all the veneers and all the facades have been torched and discarded, Americans will see something an administration that was so misleading, whose adversity cannot be sentimentalized or should ever be made small. The odds faced by those who are gravely ill are hellish and, for many, many people that some of us will never know, life has become unendurable. The families who remain with those quarantined, who sit, watch their movements and their breathing, cannot do more than just hope. The coughs and whispers of the sickly interrupt the silence for only awhile. We should not do more to add to their burden, so let this country’s people band together to improve it. he economy will bounce back but the dead will not return.
Call Mitch McConnell at 1–202–833–1200 and ask him why he ignores the needs of the people? Call the President at 1–202–456–1414 (Switchboard) or at 1–202–456–1111 (Comments). Tell them both we won’t settle for an inadequate healthcare system in which testing is inadequate and ventilators are stockpiled beyond the reach of states. Remind him of the principled words of a man who believed in the equality of man and graced his existence by trying to make this country better:
“Our ideal of America is a nation in which justice is done; and therefore, the continued existence of injustice of unnecessary, inexcusable poverty in this most favored of nations- this knowledge erodes our ideal of America, our basic sense of who and what we are. It is, in the deepest sense of the word, demoralizing to all of us.” — Robert F. Kennedy
Khalilah Sabra, Justice Center
Follow me on Twitter @khalilahsabra