This is a time of sadness, sorrow, and shame. It is not a day for “pat yourself on the back” politics. The mindless menace of incompetence in dealing with a virus the president knew was coming, stains America’s credibility as a developed country. This nation is being controlled by a third-world “commander-in-thief.”
It is not solely the concern of any single race. The victims of the coronavirus are black and white, rich and poor, young and old, famous and unknown, children and adults. They are all human beings whom other human beings loved and are a part of a family. No one — no matter where he lives or what he does — can be certain of who will suffer from the risk of a painful death. And yet almost 43,500 are dead. The hospitals are full; the doctors are without the resources needed to treat the sick. An equal opportunity killer that has ended the lives of 7,500 of the elderly in nursing homes. The elderly and most vulnerable were left in their beds for days awaiting a coroner’s truck to collect their lifeless bodies. Most of these aged Americans worked, met their obligations as citizens, and struggled to raise a family. The fabric of life should have been torn with dignity. They deserved better and met a miserable death. No nation hiding behind locked doors is free, for itis imprisoned by its own fear. No nation whose citizens fear to walk their own streets in fear of contagion is imprisoned. Isolation is poisoning public participation. This nation must not surrender to the crimes of this administration by being blind to the fact that there is blame here. Donald Trump has spent billions initiate war to kill people but not done anything to protect the health benefits of people in this country. By limiting the medical care of the American people, he has limited health benefits to those who are desperately in need of it now more than ever. There is simply no way to forgive the failure of this president’s refusal to protect and reduce the risk to people living here. Donald Trump called the disease and a “hoax.” Is the death of 43,000 people a hoax? No excuse can be made for the violation of trust or for a man who lacks the ability to be honest with the people.
Trump bragged that “there has never been a president ever been able to do what I have done.” Perhaps this is one of the few statements he has conveyed throughout his presence in the White House that comes closer to fact than fiction. This administration has created a catastrophe! The only difference between today’s president and a serial killer is that one has access to the Oval Office.
Trump’s impulse to lie, even when raw honesty would serve the best interest of this nation has been to consistently ignore frankness in favor of his own financial preferences. Now to an outrageous degree, the President has put a significant amount of this country’s population in the position of being supplicants for his and the senate’s partisan help. Let’s not forget the profit incentive that favors big businesses instead of families that need to pay rent and feed families. Ladies and gentlemen, we are being duped! Wake up to reality. Donald Trump and his inner circle have been manipulating the stock market for their own personal gain from the beginning and it continues while ordinary people are doing the dying. Manipulating the facts is the President’s personal hobby. Fake polls and falsifying news on Fox are his personal hobbies. Disturbingly, his crimes have become a pervasive enemy against democracy’s rights and ability to protect the interests of the People to ensure liberty. Donald Trump must be defeated on November 3, 2020.
- Khalilah Sabra (Twitter: @khalilahsabra)